Beauregard Festival

Beauregard Festival

Quand ?

04/07/2024 - 07/07/2024    
Toute la journée

The Beauregard Festival, set in the picturesque setting of Calvados in Normandy, is a shining example of how a musical event can transcend the boundaries of performance to become a complete cultural and sensory experience. Here are some key points that make this festival a must-see destination for music and culture lovers:


**Historic and Natural Site**

The choice of the Château de Beauregard as the venue of the festival is in itself an invitation to wonder. Located in Hérouville-Saint-Clair, the castle and its 23 hectares of meadow and wood offer a majestic setting, mixing history and nature, for the festivities. This fusion creates a unique atmosphere, where the music resonates not only in the ears but also in the hearts of the participants.


**Musical Diversity**

The Beauregard Festival’s commitment to presenting an eclectic program is one of its major strengths. By hosting artists from a variety of genres such as pop, hip-hop, electro and hard-rock, the festival ensures a musical richness that attracts a diverse audience of all ages and backgrounds. This diversity reflects the festival’s desire to celebrate music in all its forms.


**Conviviality and Sharing**

Beyond concerts, Beauregard is a place of conviviality and sharing. Relaxation areas, creative workshops and intimate scenes dedicated to local artists invite you to discover and exchange. It is this warm atmosphere, where each participant can find their own space of expression, that contributes to the unique atmosphere of the festival.


**Local Gastronomy**

The Beauregard experience is also a taste experience, with local food stalls that showcase Norman local products. This culinary dimension enriches the festival experience, allowing festival-goers to savour delicious dishes while discovering new sounds.


The Beauregard Festival is not just a musical event; it is a celebration of life, a fusion of history, nature, and culture that offers an unforgettable experience. It embodies the spirit of Calvados, with its warm welcome, its cultural richness, and its natural beauty, making each edition a moment awaited by both locals and visitors from far away.